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"A picture is worth a thousand words"...and if you're a member of the paparazzi, maybe a durn sight more than that.  Here's a smattering of images to bring back some memories of the good times, long ago and not so long ago.

Classmates' Photos

20th Reunion Photos

25th Reunion Photos

35th Reunion Photos on the BCHS class of 1982 Facebook group page

Guess who?


Classmates' Photos

"May We See Your Photos, Please"
An assortment of pics by various classmates of their lives over the years.  Add to the collection!
Visit the Bradley Central High School - class of 1982 Facebook page for more.


20th Reunion Photos

Click here to get a group picture from Images Of Interest. Portraits
Jim Lakey of Images of Interest was our official reunion photographer for the 20th.  Portrait photos, including the group shot,  may still be available directly from him.
See Mark's photos Pictures of the 20th reunion banquet by Mark Hall 
Click here to open the slide show "If They Had Wed"  (comic slideshow presented at 20th reunion)
At last, you can see (again) for yourself "what might have been" thanks to a little computer technology and a slightly twisted sense of humor on the part of your webmaster.  If you missed the 20th reunion, this may be incentive to be there for the defend your reputation.
25th Reunion Photos


Large group portrait (there's a little trick to seeing the "good" pic)

Individual pictures from the 25th reunion banquet were taken by photographer Brandon Hyde of Perspective Photography (559-8750). Contact him for possible reprints.

Click to see the pics Pictures of the 25th reunion by Mark Kelly Hall.


"My life as a bear" by Elvis Wilson